ODYSSEY Hotel offers a great choice of hotel services and facilities to meet the needs of both leisure and business travelers. The Odyssey Hotel Cephalonia, offers a range of deluxe services and amenities designed to enrich our guests' stay on every level. From free parking to High Speed Internet Access and from sumptuous In-room Dining to a multi-lingual staff—your comfort and enjoyment are our foremost priorities. Combining premier services, an endless selection of amenities and exceptional views of the Ionian Sea and Ithaca.
ODYSSEY HOTEL is focused in providing a modern fresh hospitality philosophy, in which, people from different countries, cultures, and perceptions upon design and decoration will share a wonderful, elegant and stylish place full of artistic designs and symbols of an era back in time, but so rich in knowledge, spirit, and originality..
ODYSSEY Hotel creates a luxurious and stylist retreat that goes beyond expectations.